As a pseudo tangent, in the world of gluten free baking everyone seems to have their own flour mix as there is no simple non-wheat flour that can be solely substituted for wheat flour. The texture and overall flavor of the gluten free flour mix depends on what other grain/nut flours are used, which I learned the hard way. Some people say to use Bob's Red Mill GF flour, but it contains garbanzo flour, so whatever you make will have a pea taste as I discovered. I started using Pamela's GF all purpose flour mix by chance and I was really happy with it, as it's pretty bland so no funky tastes or textures are imparted into the product. However, at $5 for 16 ounces, it's I decided to make my own mix and tried to emulate Pamela's. Overall I had a pretty successful mix that lends well to pretty much anything, until I tried making the risen donuts.
So, this ties into my recipe hunt. Almost every recipe says to use some different store bought mix or to make your own mix of X flours. Then I came across a recipe that mentioned using Cup4Cup flour - a mix developed out of the French Laundry, but at $25 for 3 thank you. However, someone had made their own version of it and I was intrigued. Instead of using 10 different flours and starches, it was comprised of a fraction of them and it was a much lighter/softer flour. I figured I'd give it a shot, but rather than make doughnuts with it, I wanted to try cake...well, more specifically, cupcakes.